Blackmore, Hook End and Wyatts Green Parish Council (that’s us) 01277 822421. All our details are on this site’s home page and in the Members and Officers section.
Brentwood Borough Council. 01277 312500 (all departments) website email:
Tipps Cross Ward Councillors (Tipps Cross Ward is the area covered by both our parish and Stondon Massey) at Brentwood Council are Thomas Bridge 07968 155586 and Cllr Peter Jakobsson. 07835 576261.
Essex County Council. General enquiries. 0345 743 0430 online contact is via messaging on the website
Brentwood Rural Ward Cllr Lesley Wagland is our representative on Essex County Council email 03330 132265. 07753 361962
Recycling and waste. 0345 603 7625 Roads, pothole and damage 0345 603 7611. Street lighting and trees. 0345 603 7631. Mobile libraries. 0345 603 7628.
Member of Parliament for the Brentwood and Ongar constituency Alex Burghart 0207 219 1613. email