Contact Us
This council uses the app what3words as an aid to precisely
identifying a place which otherwise might be unclear using
Ordnance Survey references. A free version of the app
may be accessed by clicking here.. what3words map grid
to produce the three unique words used to pinpoint an exact
position when referring to a location in your message.

Message Us

Please complete the form below if your message concerns a Parish matter and we will be in touch shortly.   Items for Brentwood Borough ( or Essex County  ( councils should be sent directly to those Councils.

Find Us

Phone   01277 822421

Parish Office, Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall,
Blackmore Road,
Hook End,
Essex, CM15 0DX

(what3words locator: camera.froth.haven )

Sign-up for occasional emails and alerts from the Parish Council.  Your email details will never be shared with a third party.  You may unsubscribe at any time.