
Minutes September 2022

DocumentsMinutes of Meetings Uploaded on October 23, 2022



Of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End & 

Wyatts Green Parish Council held on

THURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER 2022 at 7.30pm 

At Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Cllrs R Keeble, N McCarthy, K Bennett, K Parkinson, K Wood, V Dean, A Watley, T Hinton, J Clarke and S Clapham (Parish Clerk).

One minute’s silence was observed at the start of the meeting which was led by the Chairman after the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The meeting then resumed with the following items of business:

0307 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs H Cannon, T Lockhart, T Thomas, J Lewis, R Nelson (RFO). Borough Cllr’s Peter Jakobsson and Thomas Bridge. 

0308 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – 21.7.2022

The minutes were signed as a correct record by the Chairman with no amendments.

0309 DECALARTION OF INTEREST (for items on the agenda) – Nil

0310 OPEN FORUM  (For Public attendees) 

a) Presentation by Anderson’s in relation to Site R25, Land North of Woollard Way (LDP).

Tim Chilvers, Planning Development Manager for Andersons gave a presentation showing slides of the 3.3 hectare scheme which is due for submission with BBC next week. He said that their Architect is very mindful of the fact that this will be built on released Green Belt land and the build would be to a high design specification and in keeping with its rural surroundings. All homes would have solar panels, heat pumps, log burners and chimneys so they would be heat efficient (no gas) and sustainable. 

The plan will consist of no more than 40 homes and would incorporate generous landscaping and open green spaces. There will be a large open space/park to the south as well as drainage bases and a SUDS to mitigate potential flooding.

In terms of vehicular access, this would be via Nine Ashes Road, which has been approved by ECC, and RedRose Lane. There will be no vehicular access off Woollard Way. There will be a footpath from Red Rose Lane for pedestrian access.

There will be a good mix of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bed market houses as well as affordable housing and two bungalows. The affordable housing would predominantly consist of affordable rent and two shared housing opportunities. 

Andersons are placing the affordable housing in the middle of the development and the properties blend well with the other designs and materials.

Regarding affordable housing allocation, Mr Chilvers stated that Blackmore/Parish residents get first option and then it gets filtered out to neighbouring parishes. He advised that the Parish Council would get some control over this and Anderson’s Lawyers had already been informed of this. The fact that the properties had not been placed next to existing residential boundaries was well received by Members as this is an objection to the R26 site layout. The properties had also been moved away from the ‘Woodbines’ Grade II listed building and suitable landscaping and screening to the boundary had been incorporated. 

Members raised concerns over flood risk and Mr Chilvers advised that this would be looked at in detail with ECC so flood risk is mitigated. They have a very detailed drainage layout scheme to mitigate flooding risk and surface water drainage issues. In terms of ditches, Mr Chilvers stipulated that land owners should be responsible for their own land and ditches. However, he appreciated that this wasn’t always the case and often responsibility was overlooked and ditches often flash-flooded. S106 monies may be an option but all S106 monies had to be agreed with District Council.

In terms of build time, it was anticipated that there would only be 18 months of actual building work being undertaken. He stated that the planning application could be submitted as early as next week and was hopeful it would be approved by December 2022/January 2023 so they could be on site early Spring time. Mr Chilvers said that they would keep the dialogue open at each build stage with the PC so residents could be informed. He stated that RedRose Lane would be used as the access road for heavy goods/delivery vehicles during the build to eliminate/minimise vehicles going through the village.

The maintenance of the land, in particular the green open spaces/park, was discussed. Mr Chilvers said that this would be held by an independent management company and the residents would contribute to the upkeep of the area by way of a ‘management contribution fund’. He did welcome ideas from the PC if it wished to utilise this space to deliver a park. However, as the PC already maintains three play areas this was considered to be excessive and could not take on the additional financial responsibility. 

Members questioned the parking allocation. Mr Chilvers said that there would be a minimum of two parking spaces per household, and more for larger properties. There would also be visitor parking areas to deter pavement parking as much as possible.

Mr Chilvers said that Andersons would be meeting with the Primary School next week to discuss their schooling plans. Andersons would also be installing a Zebra crossing to the school from the development. He stated that S106 monies could be ear-marked for a particular parish or school project so that money could only be ring fenced for that purpose to benefit the local residents.

At the end of the presentation Mr Chilvers welcomed the Council to stay in touch with any questions or concerns they might have and the PC thanked him for his time and informative presentation.

b) Presentation by Richard Thwaite, on behalf of St Laurence Church.

As a member of Friends of St Laurence Church, Mr Thwaite gave a presentation on the project to renovate the Medieval Bell Tower, which was built in the early 1400’s with timbers being dated back to circa 1399. It was built as part of the Priory and the tower remained intact through the dissolution of the Churches during the sixteenth century. It is reported to be one of the most impressive in England and is a Grade 1 listed tower.  

Predominantly, the project consists of replacing the oak shingles on the tower and repairs to the lychgate. 

Friends of St Laurence is the Charity which was set up 15 years ago to preserve and protect the Church. It has 145 members, each paying an annual fee, in addition to the fund-raising events it holds. 

It currently has £60,000 of available funds but requires to raise approximately £200,000 (including contingency) towards the much-needed tower and lychgate renovations. They are seeking grant funding with the English Heritage Lottery fund and would appreciate ‘written support’ from the PC as part of the grant funding conditions. Mr Thwaite would also be seeking support from Borough and County Cllr’s to accompany the application. The PC explained that whilst it was not permitted to offer financial support towards ecclesiastical projects, it was more than happy to offer support to the Friends of St Laurence’s grant application. Action: It was agreed that Cllr McCarthy would draft a letter of support.






0314 Finance – Payments made online:

S Clapham –

Pension –


Mrs R Nelson –  

MD Landscapes – £930.00 (inc.VAT) – Grass cutting 1024

Total Landscapes £144.00 – to correct the leaning fingerpost at Deal Tree corner

Blackmore Allotments Association £54 – transfer of subscriptions collected

Festive Lights – 10p – underpayment of invoice amount

Playquip Leisure £8,961.60 – Supply & installation of infant play equipment at Mill Lane & an adjustment to the W. Hobbs aerial runway

Sutcliffe Play £4,454.08 – Supply & installation of new whirlybob at Ted Marriage

Payments made on the PC Credit Card: 

Cash drawn: – nil


Memberships:– nil


0315 FINANCIAL REPORT to 31st August 2022

In the RFO’s absence Cllr Bennett reported on the financial summary. 

It was RESOLVED that: 

(i) The statutory basis for this item be noted as the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015.

(ii) The list of payments is approved as presented in the schedule.


a) Double Taxation and Service Level Agreement (SLA) – BBC have drafted an SLA which is to be approved by the Borough Council. A meeting is to be scheduled between the PC and BBC – awaiting contact from BBC. Action. Clerk to chase Steve Summers, BBC.

b) Council Tax Bill and percentage errors – Letter to BBC to be sent ahead of the 2023/24 precept setting.

c) External Auditor Appointment – 

Option to opt out of SAAA central external auditor appointment –

Following the expiry of this arrangement later this year, the Council has the option to appoint an external auditor of its choice, rather than be included in the SAAA central external auditor arrangements.   This would require the Council to identify a registered auditor, to convene an appropriate independent auditor panel, to develop its own specification for the audit contract and to negotiate an individual contract with the selected auditor.   The alternative is to remain within the smaller authorities opted-in arrangement which has worked efficiently over the past five years.   Mrs Nelson (RFO) had recommended that the Council remains with in the opted-in arrangement.   Councillor Bennett proposed, Councillor Watley seconded and it was unanimously approved that Mrs Nelson notify the relevant authorities of the Council’s wish to remain opted-in with effect from the 1st April 2022.

d) External Audit Report received – 

The External Audit Report and Certificate for the year 2021/22 has been received by RFO.   The report confirmed that on the basis of the auditor’s review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), in their opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.    The report also referenced, under “Other Matters not affecting our opinion”, that the AGAR was not accurately completed before submission for review.   The AGAR had to be sent back for amendment.     No further action was required and the Certificate confirmed that the Council had met the various requirements of the external auditor.

0317 HERALD YEAR BOOK – Cllr Dean has 20 spare copies which he passed to the Clerk to hold at the office. It was agreed that Cllr Dean would cancel additional copies with Kelhatch Press as they were no longer needed.


0318 There had been a Planning Committee meeting held on the (1) 24th August and (2) 22nd September 2022 at 10.00am. To accept the planning reports as circulated ahead of the meeting.

(1) 24th August 

22/01156/HHA,   22/01157/LBC – Woodbines, Fingrith Hall Road, Blackmore, CM4 0RU – No objections.

22/01163/HHA – Geatan, Tipps Cross Lane, Hook End, CM15 0HR – No objections.

22/01127/HHA – Treadour, Hook End Rd, Hook End, CM15 0HA – No objections.

22/01111/HHA – Oakwood, Hook End Lane, Hook End, CM15 0HD – Objections raised.

(2) 22nd September

22/01110/FUL – Land to the South of RedRose Lane, Blackmore – Comments as attached appendix (1).

22/91255/HHA – 8 Granary Meadow, Wyatts Green, CM15 0QD – No objections.

22/01203/HHA – Mount Pleasant, 20 The Green, Blackmore, CM4 0RR – No objections.

22/01184/HHA – Kaloma, Beehive Chase, Hook End, CM15 0PA – No objections.

22/01208/HHA – Inglenook, Hook End Road, Hook End, CM15 0NR – No objections.


Sites R25 – Andersons advised they will be undertaking technical site surveys during September. No formal planning application had been submitted yet. Cllr Lockhart had reviewed the draft scheme from Anderson’s and the Clerk read out his comments which were duly noted. The Clerk would circulate a copy to all Cllr’s ahead of discussing the Planning application.

Site R26 – Crest Nicholson has submitted a formal planning application. The PC considered this at its Planning Committee meeting on 22nd September. The Committee’s comments are attached (appendix 1).


Committee to report on the meeting held on 26th September 2022 at 10.00am (Zoom). The Minutes were accepted and approved. The following items were discussed: 

0319 Planters & Planting – The Clerk advised that Matthew’s Plants would be re-planting the floral planters during September/October. The two new larger planters for the Old Post Office had been received and Matthew’s would collect, position and re-plant with herbs and flowers. The two smaller planters would be re-located to Gunnells Corner to replace the old wooden ones. Matthew’s will also undertake this. It was agreed that the Clerk would do a local leaflet drop in search of watering volunteers at Gunnells Corner as it appeared that nobody was watering them after the plants all died shortly after being planted in the summer.  

0320 Annual ROSPA play area assessmentsAwaiting receipt of external inspection reports.

0321 Land grab, Service Lane – The resident at 24 Meadow Rise, Blackmore had seized a large parcel of land at the bottom of his garden boundary and had moved his fence to incorporate it. After constantly reporting this to both the Borough and County Councils, and BBC issuing a ‘STOP’ notice which had been ignored, ECC advised they would investigate whether they would enforce this. It was noted that this particular strip is registered as Common Land. Action: The Clerk will visit the office archives to check for any supporting documents.

0322 Bridge opposite Meadow Rise, Blackmore Road – Rotten plank. This was previously repaired by ECC. Action: Clerk to report to ECC during the Highways meetings.

0323 PC Service Lane bridge – A grip strip needs replacing – Action: Clerk to organise this. 

0324 Pond – Cllr Watley has received comments that that pond is overgrown. Action: The Clerk will organise a meeting with John Sharpe to discuss this.

0325 Dilapidated bus shelter at Dines Corner – The Council feels this bus shelter is in a dangerous state of disrepair and needs removing. Action: Clerk to ask ECC (Cllr Lesley Wagland) if they could remove it if repairs are not warranted.

0326 Trees at Kilne FieldAction: Clerk to instruct John Sharpe to inspect and undertake necessary work ahead of the Christmas light preparations.

0327 USAAF Commemoration Service, 24th September – The Commemoration Service was well attended, albeit with no USAF representation from RAF Lakenheath as was first anticipated. Cllr McCarthy and the Clerk had received positive feedback from the Deputy Lord Lieutenant (who had attended) and the Lord Lieutenant, saying that if the PC decided to commemorate the 80 year anniversary in two years time, they would be delighted to attend and would personally seek attendance from the USAF bases. 

0328 CLERK’S REPORT (Governance)

The Clerk confirmed that all Protocols had been observed during the official mourning period after the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A floral tribute had been laid by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish at the foot of the Queen’s Jubilee beacon on the Green. A book of Condolence had been opened at St Laurence Church, Blackmore. The official Proclamation had been read out on the Green by Cllr Keeble. The Ordinary Parish Council meeting and the Committee meetings had been postponed and summons were issued after the official mourning period had ended on 20th September. 

0329 Date of next meeting(s):

POS – Monday  17.10.22– 10.00am – Zoom

PC 20.10.22 at 7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room 

Planning – TBC upon receipt of planning applications.


a) Cllr Bennett expressed his dissatisfaction with the BBC Bin operatives who regularly haphazardly ‘threw’ the recycling bags across driveways, footpaths and often ended up in the road to be collected by residents. Action: The Clerk would again address this with BBC.

b) Cllr Clarke had received a report that it appeared that the Blackmore Village Hall overflow car park was being used for suspected drug dealing activities. Action: As previous reports to the Police had been ignored, the Clerk would forward the information and pricing for S-Type Security Services should it need short-term surveillance of the area.


There being no further items of business, the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.