
June 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Meetings Uploaded on January 21, 2021



Of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End &

Wyatts Green Parish Council held on THURSDAY 18th JUNE 2020 at 11.00am

Zoom Conference Meeting:

Members present: Cllr’s T Bennett (Chairman), Keeble (Vice Chairman), McCarthy, Watley, K Bennett, Cannon, Lockhart, Thomas and Clarke. S Clapham (Parish Clerk and R Nelson (RFO). Borough Cllr Peter Jakobsson.

  1. 1270  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCECllr Dean and Cllr Lennon. T Smith (Herald magazine).
  2. 1271  APPROVAL OF MINUTES – 21.5.2020The minutes were signed as a correct record by the Clerk, on the Chairman’s behalf.
  3. 1272  DECLARATION OF INTERESTAllotment – Cllr’s T Bennett, Keeble, Watley Football pitches – Cllr’s Keeble and Cannon
  4. 1273  OPEN FORUM (for Public Attendees) – none registered with the Clerk
  5. 1274  PROGRESS CHECKBlackmore Tea Room’s enquiry to place their outdoor seating area on Horsefayre Green – The Clerk had discussed this with Julie and advised her of the Parish Council’s decision. To be monitored.
  6. 1275  CORRESPONDENCE1) Mr Luke, 54 Wyatts Green Lane – reported damaged branch on an Oak tree at the rear of his garden with Ted Marriage field – John Sharpe inspected and confirmed it needs removing but was unable to take this type of work on. Franklin Trees were supplying a quote instead.

    2) John Sharpe advised to leave the damaged tree on Library Green, Blackmore and he will trim it in Autumn/Winter. If it didn’t pick up by the Spring, he would suggest removing it then. To be monitored.

  7. 1276  REPORTS OF BOROUGH AND COUNTY COUNCILLORSCllr Peter Jakobsson advised that he had attended a BBC Planning meeting the week prior to the PC meeting. He said that the planning application had been refused at Elm Farm. Also, the new recycling regime would commence early August.

    Cllr Keeble reported:

    He had attended an LDP meeting at BBC last week. The public sessions are scheduled for August/September 2020. The Inspector is already in correspondence with BBC.
    The bungalow adjacent to Elm Farm was being connected to power by UK Power. Quince Hill development – application to convert Quince Hall and three other barns will be discussed by BBC soon.
    Speeding issues – his request for the consideration of chicanes by Blackmore School have been turned down by Cllr Wagland. He suggests carrying out a petition by the

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school for views of local residents. The Nine Ashes Road speed watch checks are currently on hold. Areas which are considered to be speeding hot spots are Hook End Road, Wyatts Green Road and Nine Ashes Road.
Cllr McCarthy mentioned that the solar panel on the VAS sign on Hook End Road had worked loose again and was not displaying the 30MPH illuminated warning. The Clerk will report this to Cllr Wagland.

Cllr Tom Bennett suggested a separate meeting to discuss Highways issues with Cllr Wagland.
The large grey wall outside Cherry Trees, Blackmore had finally been taken down. The dip in the road near to the Green had finally been repaired after 4 years of reporting it.

The fly tip by Wenlocks Lane had finally been removed by BBC.

• The Blackmore Sports and Social Club and the cricket team will be returning on 4th


POLICY & RESOURCES 1277 Finance – Payments made online:

S Clapham – £-
HMR&C – £-
Pension – £-
R Nelson – £-
MDL (grass) – £906.60 (inc. VAT)– Inv. no. 392.
Total Landscapes – £80.00 – to repair damaged finger post at Tipps Cross Junction Matthews Plants – £580.00 re-planting of troughs & War Memorial

ICO data registration – £40.00 – credit card payment
Amazon – £40.94 – purchase of printer cartridges (whilst Clerk working from home) Total Landscapes – £905.00 consisting of £645 to make a new footbridge at Walter Hobbs, £100 to repair the gate post at Walter Hobbs and £160 to repair the sign at Walter Hobbs. Glasdon UK Ltd – £1110.24 – To purchase 3 new larger, lidded bins for Blackmore.

Mrs Nelson advised she would shortly be paying the Internal Auditor his £230.00 fee online.

Mini bus: Temporarily out of use.
PC Insurance renewal (due 1.6.2020) – renewed.


Windfall notification – Wyatts Green – £403.00 – to go towards the Ted Marriage field. However, Mrs Nelson (RFO) advised that she had been speaking to the resident dealing with the Bank holding the money and to date it could not be found. Mrs Nelson had since sent paperwork to him for sending to the Bank. He would deal with this and report back. This may take some time for funds to be found and released.
The Clerk was asked to obtain quotations for two new seats and had received the following:

NBB Recycled Furniture – brown recycled, maintenance free plastic, 3 seater (with back) – £410.00 plus VAT. These are the same seats as others purchased for the Parish.

Glasdon UK – comparable item – £459.40 plus VAT.

It was proposed by Cllr Lockhart and unanimously agreed that two new seats be purchased once the play areas re-open.

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1278 Financial Report to 31st May 2020


Mrs Nelson reported on the financial reports as distributed prior to the meeting. All approved with no amendments.

Financial Powers

  1. 1279  Internal Audit carried out and completed by Trevor Brown – as per his report.
  2. 1280  Receipt of Internal Audit ReportThe report was considered by Members. It was proposed by Cllr Tom Bennett and unanimously agreed that the report be approved.

1281. Approval of Annual Governance Statement

This was considered by Members. It was proposed by Cllr Tom Bennett and unanimously agreed that the this be approved.

  1. 1282  Approval of Accounting Statements 2109/20The statements were considered by Members. It was proposed by Cllr Tom Bennett and unanimously agreed that this be approved.
  2. 1283  Approval of Audited AccountsThe Audited Accounts were considered by Members. It was proposed by Cllr Tom Bennett and unanimously agreed that these be approved.

    Cllr Tom Bennett thanked those involved at getting the Internal Audit through with a clean bill of health, as reported by Mrs Nelson. Mrs Nelson will deal with any recommendations made by the Internal Auditor in due course.

  3. 1284  MAGAZINE COMMITTEETemporarily suspended until further notice. The Parish Council’s Facebook page and website will be regularly updated with PC news and information.
    In Terry Smith’s absence, the Clerk read out his email. He enquired with the Council whether a replacement had been found to meet the December publication deadline, which was most likely the soonest edition that could be produced during the Coronavirus pandemic. It was agreed that Cllr Tom Bennett would contact Terry Smith to discuss this in more detail.


  4. 1285  Planning applications were dealt with by Committee Members, and the Planning CommitteeChairman emailed the reports to the BBC Planning Department on 15th June. The reports were approved by full Council. Cllr Lockhart read out his report, as follows:

    19 new dwellings at Swallows Cross (20/00576/FUL) to which the PC objected and the reasons are on the report, such as negative impact of the parish infrastructure. It was also noted that ECC Highways also objected to it. Although the PC stated the case as strongly as possible, it was aware that it is a Brownfield Site and BBC may approve it for that reason. The 12 dwellings at the Redrose Farm development was another example which was approved on a Brownfield Site as an established principle even though the PC objected to it. Cllr Lockhart will watch this one very carefully.

    Two new dwellings at ‘Raultahn’ in Beehive Chase, Hook End (20/00714/FUL) to which the PC offered no objection by a majority decision.

    Results of recent applications that had been received from BBC, as follows:

• Land east of Elm Farm (20/00442/FUL) New 3 bed bungalow (refused for the 2nd time) The PC

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understood that Cllr Keeble was enquiring if BBC could, or would, issue a temporary stop notice

as there were signs that utility services were being connected up for the possibility of a future static caravan.

‘Holly Lodge’, Tipps Cross Lane (20/00432/FUL) Front & rear dormers (refused)
‘Blue Bells’, Second Avenue. Raise roof level and construct new 2 storey rear extension at

(20/00347/FUL) (refused)

‘Highlands’, Wyatts Green Road (20/00537/HHA) Rear first floor extension (approved)

Cllr Lockhart had also received the result of an appeal in respect of (19/01393/FUL) Copperfields in Ingatestone Road, Blackmore for the construction of a new stable block. The appeal following a refusal notice issued by BBC was dismissed on the grounds of harm to the openness of the Green Belt.

LDP Public Examination representation

Representation confirmed – Speakers – Cllr Keeble and Holmes & Hills

Reference Cllr Bennett’s email to all members ahead of the meeting.


Committee meetings suspended for the time being – meetings will be scheduled remotely as and when required. Items of business were discussed as follows:

  1. 1286  Summer Planting (planters)Matthews Plants confirmed the two new ‘Marmax’ planters were delivered to him and these will be re-planted, along with all planters by 15th June. The Clerk has asked Matthew to supply a quote for planting daffodil bulbs around the Green, possibly around the bases of the trees. Subject to cost, work to be completed in Autumn.
  2. 1287  New bins (Blackmore)Glasdon UK Ltd – £1110.24 (inc VAT) – 3 new bins for Blackmore had been purchased and the invoice received. Payment to be made online. Total Landscapes will install them shortly and will meet with Cllr Keeble to ascertain exact locations.
  3. 1288  Football pitch maintenance programme & grants proposalThe form was signed by the Clerk and returned and is now in progress. Cllr Keeble stated that he was still waiting to hear back from the Football Club to confirm the grant money is now available so that the Contractor could be employed. Action: Cllr Keeble will follow this up. Once received the Clerk will confirm the order with the contractor, Garsons.
  4. 1289  Footbridge – Walter Hobbs field/Service LaneThe old bridge was inspected by Cllr Cannon and Cllr Keeble, and later by Total Landscapes. The footbridge was found to be very hazardous and beyond economical repair. Total Landscapes quoted £645.00 to build a new footbridge. This was agreed by Cllr’s Tom Bennett, Ken Bennett, Cllr Watley and Cllr Keeble as it was an urgent job. Total Landscapes removed the bridge immediately and secured off the area with hazard tape.

    The bridge was re-built and subsequently inspected by Cllr Keeble and Cllr Cannon. They felt it was slightly slippery underfoot when wet and enquired whether commercial safety grip strips could be added. Cllr Cannon had found a company who could supply these and would send the details to the Clerk for obtaining a quotation. Cllr Cannon suggested that the Wednesday group could install these. They could also install two replacement steps on the bank if it was felt necessary at some future point. The question of a handrail was also discussed. Whilst not absolutely necessary as two people could safely walk side by side, the Clerk was asked to obtain a quote for consideration. Action: Clerk to report at July’s meeting.

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Additional Walter Hobbs maintenance/repair quotes sought from Total Lanscapes by Cllr Keeble, as follows:
1)Gate post repairs – £100.00 – work completed by Total Landscapes and invoice paid online. 2)Sign repairs – £160.00 – work completed by Total Landscapes and invoice paid online.

  1. 1290  Cockleshell foot path, Millennium Park (360 metre foot path quoted for)
    Quote obtained from Supplier, Ipave for £2,300.00 (plus VAT).
    It was proposed by Cllr Ken Bennett, that as this item was budgeted for, that approval be given for the work to proceed. This was unanimously approved. Action: The Clerk will place the order with Ipave. MDL to weed kill the foot path first.
  2. 1291  Trees on the Green – plantingThe Clerk was asked to obtain recommendations for planting small to medium sized trees. She will discuss this with Hill Crest Nurseries and Matthews Plants. The School could be involved with the planting of wild flower seed for certain areas. Action: Cllr Tom Bennett and Cllr Watley will meet to identify suitable areas.
  3. 1292  Roundabout on Walter Hobbs play area – seized up
    Cllr Keeble reported that the roundabout had seized up and could not be used. Action: Clerk to ask Playquip Leisure to visit and assess/resolve the problem.
  4. 1293  CIF fund open (2020/21)
    Clerk to submit an application for the zip wire at Ted Marriage – re-quote obtained from Playquip Leisure – £7,713.00 for zip wire and £1598.62 for bonded mulch below towers only. Prices subject to VAT. Note: Clerk has asked for quotes for all soil to be removed from site and also bonded mulch below entire equipment, not just the towers – Action: pending quotes, Clerk will submit CIF application to ECC.
  5. 1294  CLERK’S REPORT (Governance)The Clerk had been informed by EALC that the National pay scales were still being agreed by the Union and all parties. This information would not be available until the end of July due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The salary payments would then be backdated.
  6. 1295  DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 16th July 2020 at 11.00am via Zoom. INFORMATION EXCHANGE/NEXT AGENDA ITEMS
  7. 1296  Cllr Keeble advised that Brentwood High Street would be closed for a two week period.- CLOSE OF MEETING – Cllr Tom Bennett thanked everyone for attending and reminded everyone to check their emails daily, wherever possible. There being no further items of business, the meeting closed at 12.25pm.

    Signed……………………………………………………. Dated ………………………………