Council Members
Portrait photo of the Council Clerk

01277 822421


The Clerk

Clerk to the Council

Portrait photo of The Clerk to the Council

Parish Clerk Mrs Sue Clapham


Your Parish Council employs the services of a Clerk and a Responsible Financial Officer.

Sue Clapham has served as Clerk for 15 years.  This essential role is a legal requirement as the Clerk’s first duty is to ensure the council conducts its business and actions lawfully.   The Clerk has sole authority to implement, transact, and commission decisions made by the Council and is tasked with protecting the integrity of the democratic process applying to local government.  In her function as administrator she is responsible for all paperwork and correspondence; must prepare and manage meetings; negotiate contracts for ratification; oversee projects; supervise contractors and workers who may be employed from time-to-time; maintain property registers and other legal documents, and manage the office.  She is the first point of contact for the Council.  Sue has gained the prestigious CiLCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration), a distinction that entitles the Parish to be awarded  ‘quality council’ status.  She is a member of the Society of Local Government Clerks and liaises on the Parish’s behalf with borough, county and national level representatives and officials.  In addition,  there are many other organisations and official bodies we have to report to or effect their decisions including the National Association of Local Councils, Essex Association of Local Councils and the Brentwood Parish Councils Association.

In order to maintain the facility for the benefit of the community, the Council acts as trustee guarantor for Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall although it does not own the property.  On behalf of the trustees,  Sue administers the day-to-day management, bookings for the hall and its adjoining recreation field, and supervises the part-time janitorial staff.

Information concerning the Responsible Financial Office are shown separately.